Mobile: 414-491-8176   Office: 414-988-5422

Why choose Midwest Office Installations?

Consider the Midwest Office Installations team an extension of your internal staff. We have assembled a team of some of the best trained and experienced installation and moving professionals in the Midwest.

Our skilled team of expert installers lends nearly 40 years of combined major office system experience and military determination to professionally install a work environment for you.

We stand behind our work and are proud of our exceptional reputation. We have installed projects for clients throughout the United States ranging from small to large. But don't take our word for it. We are happy to provide you contact information for any of our clients so you can hear for yourself.

At Midwest Office Installations, we're dedicated to making your office space installation right the first time. Now, let's get to work!

Jum Luczaj

Jim Luczaj, owner
